Memphis Matters

Spontaneous stories, instant impact

Every year, Playback Memphis hosts six Memphis Matters public performances, drawing multi-generational audiences,  amazingly diverse cross-sectors of our community.

At a Memphis Matters show, there is no script. Playback theatre thrives on spontaneous stories. An audience member – a teller – will share a reflection, moment, or story – perhaps lighthearted or funny, perhaps moving or difficult. Then, our Ensemble plays that story back, reenacting the teller’s story with care, creativity, and compassion. This sharing and witnessing of stories affirms that each teller’s story deserves to be told, is valued, is accepted.

Through the words, movement, and music of a Memphis Matters show, the tellers, Ensemble, and audience share connection and dialogue through theatre that unites art and social change. Join us in celebrating and valuing the experiences and people of our city to unlock healing, transformation, and joy in Memphis — one story at a time.

How to Experience Memphis Matters

Save the date! Our next Memphis Matters performance is Saturday, April 12th, at TheatreSouth in First Congregational Church. Tickets are on sale NOW! Reserve your seats here!

Playback Memphis' sponsors

Tennessee Arts Commission
Arts Memphis

Playback Memphis is proud to be supported by ArtsMemphis and the Tennessee Arts Commission.
© 2015 Playback Memphis | 901-264-0841 | [email protected] //// Website by NOXIDNAIRB